Results from the EKTC trial held on 18.04.21

Thank you to everyone that took part on Sunday, hope you had a great day. 

click this link to see the results from the trial EKTC Trial 18.04.21

Huge thanks go to the Santer family for the generous use of their land and to the few observers that we had. Lets just hope that when life gets back to normal we can encourage a few more volunteers to help out with that task.

It was a herculean task to get the event set up and packed away so big thanks also to Mick Baldock and his team including Dave Garner, Dave Little, Sylvia, Florence, Edie and Mark for giving up their time to set out a great trial. 

See you all at our next event in June, details to follow shortly.

Don’t forget our main event for this year is our 75th Anniversary Trial in August at Clay Hill. 


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