Mrs Orpin

It is with great sadness that we have announce that Mrs Val Orpin, wife of John Orpin, has passed away. The Orpin family allow us to use their land for the “Weald of Kent” trial at the Harbourne Venue.
The funeral service will take place on Monday 23rd December at the Charing Crematoreum at 1pm.
Our thoughts extend to the family during this time.

Youth Series – 2019 championship results

Following the last event of the championship on Saturday the final championship results have been calculated and can be found attached.

Well done to all the class award winners and to everyone that took part. The presentation of theses awards will be at our Presentation night which will be held early in the new year. All are welcome to come along and details of the event will be made available shortly.

As this is now the end of this series on behalf of the club I would like to say how much everyone has appreciated the work and effort that Mike Nutbrown and Tim Taylor has put in the run this series for the last few years when youth only events were scarce, due to the increasing popularity of the sport and the amount of events the youth only clubs are now running the forum that we provided is no longer necessary.  Needless to say that all our events are open to youth riders so please feel free to come along and ride in the future. 

Well done guys and enjoy your well earned rest. 

Youth Trials 2019


UPCOMING EVENTS – 28th and 29th September

Over the weekend of 28th and 28th September we will be running the last 2 events of the year at the Harbourne land site opposite the London Beach Golf Club on the A28 at St Michaels.
Firstly on Saturday 28th at 1.00pm there will be a youth only trial, all welcome, various routes available that will cater for all abilities.
This will also qualify as the last round of the Tenterden and Barham youth series.
Then on Sunday we will be running the “Murray Brush” memorial trial, there will be 4 routes including a yellow sportsman route which will also be suitable for beginners. This event is also open to youth riders.
Entries will be taken on the day at this popular event but pre entries would help the congestion on the day. If you can bring along a completed entry form and the correct money. £15 entry and £10 for youth riders.
Observers also welcome.
Thank you


Tenterden / Barham Youth series – Results to date for 2019

Following the latest round of the youth series held on Saturday in Woodchurch please see attached the results to date.

All to play for in the last round which will now be held at the Harbourne Land which is opposite the London Beach Golf course in St Michaels. This will take place on Saturday 28th September starting at 1pm. The next round which was originally being hosted by the Barham club has been cancelled due to a clash of dates with KYTC. 

Youth Trials 2019