Maureen Buttle – retirement

Just a quick note to say that Maureen has decided that her time as the EKTC secretary and Treasurer has now come to an end.

She will finish the year off and then hand over to the next volunteer. The post is yet unfilled so if anyone would like to donate a few hours a year to help out then please make myself or your club secretary aware so we can propose you.

Maureen has held this post for 34 years so deserves a well earned rest. On behalf of everyone in the EKTC we would like to thank her for being a strong supporter of our group and for the time she has spent keeping us all glued together.

Murray Brush Memorial trial – September 30th 2018

Cover sheet and Regs now ready

Cover sheet – Murray Brush 30.09.18

Our next events are only just over 2 weeks away so would like as many riders as possible to come along and support the event on this great piece of land.

On Saturday 29th Sept we will run the next round of the Tenterden / Barham youth series and this is open to any young riders who consider themselves as a beginner or Novice abaility. We would love to see as many faces as possible.

On Sunday 30th Sept we will host the “Murray Brush” memorial trial which will have 4 routes including an Expert and a beginner route, the trial is open to all members of the ACU adult and youth riders. Pre entries would be great and all the details can be found in this months SM. Failing that we will take entries on the day so please bring along a completed form and the correct money to say time for the secretary.


Weekend Events 11th and 12th August – EKTC & Youth trials

Our next trials are nearly upon us so keep that weekend free and come along and take part. Firstly on Saturday 11th August at 1.00pm we will be running the next round of the Tenterden and Barham “Youth series” at Maywood Farm, Redbrook Street, Woodchurch then at the same venue on Sunday 12th 10.30am we will host the next round of the EKTC, this trial is in memory of a former club stalwart Dave Moore (Rasher to his friends) This year we will run routes for all abilities and still operate punch cards so that results will be known on the day and winners awards presented. Entries will be taken on the day or pre enter using rhe details advertised in Augusts edtion of the Sporting Motorcyclist.


With much regret and due to circumstances beyond our control this weekends “Man of Kent” Trial is being postponed / cancelled.

The reasons have been well documented previously regarding the issues with permits and advertisements within the Sporting Motorcyclist but were glad to say the problems seems to have been resolved going forward. 



Man of Kent Trial – 15th July 2018

On Sunday 15th July we will be hosting the next round of the South East Championships which will be held at Crabtree Farm, Nr Cranbrook.

This should have been advertised in Junes Magazine but wasn’t so for anyone wishing to ride and have their points count towards the championship please send your entries to  “Mr Rodger Beck, 37 Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4NS”

Blank entry form attached that can be used for this trial

Unfortunately we will not be supporting a “yellow sportsman” route at this trial but will still have a novice, inter, expert and elite route for anyone to ride.

Entry form MOK 2018

EKTC & YOUTH TRIAL – JUNE 9th and 10th

Please note this trial has not been advertised in the May edition of the Sporting Motorcyclist.

This event will go ahead as planned on Sunday 10th June at the Rakins venue, Gills Green Nr Hawkhurst. Start time will be 10.30. We will provide 4 routes to suit all abilities.

Anyone wishing to pre enter please do so by posting off your entry to Karen Lorimer, 11 Courtland Ave, Whitfield, Dover, Kent, CT16 3HR.

On the Saturday before, 9th June, We will be hosting the next round of the Tenterden / Barham youth championships, this will start at 1.00pm and Mike Nutbrown will take entries on the day.  All youth novice/beginner standard riders are welcomed to ride and all will be welcome the following day at the EKTC trial. 

Entry form see attached

Entry form Rakins 2018