Next month’s EKTC trial, hosted by Ashford Club, has not been published in this month’s Magazine. The trial is still going ahead and this was just an oversight on their part.

The trial will be held at the Elmstead Ground Nr Hastingleigh on Sunday 8th May, permit number ACU47324

For those wishing to pre enter the secretaries details as follows:-

Terry Gray


18 Northumberland Ave




TN24 9QG


Cheques to be made payable to “Ashford Kent MCC”  £15 adults and £10 youth entry fees

The usual 4 routes will be set out which will include a beginner route.


Unfortunately due to the carparking area and entrance to the site being flooded we have cancelled tomorrows trial being held at the Clay Hill site in Tenterden.

All cheques will be either returned or destroyed.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your support.

Kind regards

Dave Luck

Weald Non Expert Trial – 17th April 2016

Please find below the links to the starting list for this Sundays trial as well as the cover sheet.

We will be adopting a mass start for the first 40 riders on the list with a second wave of riders to follow around 15/20 minutes later.

If you could please ask any visitors to keep their dogs on leads at all times due to the close proximity of a number of sheep in their lambing season.

Entries will be taken on the day for all those wishing to ride and all offers to observe will be gratefully received.

Cover sheet – Clay Hill 17.04.16

Start List – Weald Non Expert 17 04 16


Tenterden MCC Youth Trials Championship

For 2016 Tenterden MCC will be running a series of youth trials at Checksfield Farm, Tenterden. The events will be held on Saturday afternoons and consist of 4 laps of 5 sections aimed at youth beginners and novices. Trophies for the best riders in each class will be presented at the annual award night in early 2017.

The beginner route will be suitable for new members and will be a great introduction to trials which will develop skills and confidence to move onto Combine trials.

The novice route will be pitched between the Combine yellow and red route for the more experienced rider.

Proposed dates for the events are:-

June 11th Start time 13.00

July 9th Start time 13.00

September 10th Start time 13.00

In order to run this event we need at least 5 entries for each event. Please contact Mike Nutbrown on for more details and to give feedback on the event.

Please support these events to ensure the future of trials in the Tenterden club for future generations.



Dunlop Trial results

Please click the link below to see the results from last weekends Dunlop Trial.

Well done to all those that finished the trial and good to see that a couple of Tenterdens riders picked up awards.

It was a tough event due to the weather the week before so well done to all those that finished.

Dunlop Trial Jan 16

Club Doo – Horse Race Evening and Presentation- 12th March 2015 – Tickets on sale now…

Back by popular demand, the annual Tenterden MCC Club Doo will take place at Bethersden Village Hall on the 12th of March. Always a giggle and a great evening and once again this popular evening open to all past and present club members, families and friends will be a big screen Horse Race evening and a fish and chip supper, a bumper club raffle, mixed with the presentation of our prestigious club awards. To keep costs down this years event will be a ‘bring your own drink’ evening. Tickets are available from Dave or Keith at £10 per person including Fish and chips or Sausage and Chips.

Kickstart 2016…..

As our thoughts turn to 2016, we all start thinking of our new year resolutions, give up the booze, lose weight, eat better, get fitter, play more, to try and not be all consumed by work…. and of course most importantly get that bike out that has sat in the shed or garage for the last I don’t know how many months (or years!!), get out and have one more ride or ride that trial you’ve always loved, everybody can find an excuse, so you need to make it happen, get that bike out and ride and enjoy the banter and giggle of the trials world or even for the blessed few try and win that class trophy or championship one more time…

So to help you, here are a few early year dates for the dairy in 2016. Get your entries off now or at the very least block these dates in your diary…

17th Jan – Sidcup 60 Trial – Canada Heights fun and frolicks – some excellent technical sections around the motocross track – 90 entries in so far so only 40 places left as of today. See Sidcup and District MCC Website for details

24th Jan – The Ashford Dunlop – needs no introduction, at the Kent Gliding Club, maybe not quite the event it used to be but you never know, always a challenge and the weather can add a little spice.

7th Feb – The Walker Memorial Trial Sittingbourne – fast becoming many peoples favourite early year trial with a long ride round and a route for all.

All 3 trials entries available in sporting motorcyclist.

The second Sunday from February to June then from August to Decemeber will be the East Kent Trials Combine Trials, routes for all from Expert to beginner in the local East Kent area. The next one will be the

14th Feb – GEST EKTC Combine – see Sporting Motorcyclist for details

Get your act together and enter one of the above online or via post and kickstart 2016 off in the right way… See you at the next trial…

Club Championship 2015/6 So far…

The current club championship aggregates are available on the aggregate page. A reminder the season runs from September 2015 to August 2016, with the best 7 scores to count in each class.

Current class leaders are Expert Mark Smith, Inter Dave Luck, Novice Micheal Hollyer, Novice over 40 Roger Beck, Youth Oliver Whorlow… see aggregates page for full details.