Dave “Rasher” Moore Memorial Trial report and results

This was the 2nd running of the Rasher Memorial Trial and we faced every possible element on Sunday. After battling with the weather at Clay Hill earlier this year we were hoping for a little more luck last weekend.  With heavy rain forecasted the sections were laid out by Dave, Duncan and Pete Southcott the day before and car park was made ready for the Sunday.

Luckily the weather did not deter the riders coming on the day and was a great surprise to see so many brave the elements. This also included the observers who always seem to take the full brunt of conditions and after struggling to fill every section at our last event this time we had more volunteers than sections which was terrific.

Very soon after we started we temporarily shut section 3 after 2 riders got stung after disturbing a wasp nest which was not apparent the previous day when setting out.  After a quick change of route we managed to open the section once again. This section was changed further on the Novice route after the ditch dug out and filled with water after the upstream dam broke after the heavy rain, the previous day this ditch was bone dry.

With Val Luck making her debut as the secretary and chief scorer, we used the punch card system at this event so that we could calculate the results on the day announce the winners, this really was a baptism of fire with the punch card system. Tenterdens very own Pete Southcott won the Easy Route class, which should have be renamed as the less hard route and Dave Strank won the hard route.  I am so pleased to have a home win and especially for Pete as he put in so much effort in helping set out the trial and collecting the BBQ etc.

Having now sourced a club toilet which will be used at all out events, we erected the tent in the wind and slowly watch it crumble and flatten as Bertha took over. Eventually we needed to dismantle the tent before it disappeared towards Tenterden. Shortly after young Tori Moore needed the loo . She  asked her Dad where the loo was, not knowing that I’ve taken the tent down, he sent her to find it in t he field. Having found the thunder box with no tent, she went about her business in front of the entire world.

Despite all the events of the day and trying to keep everything on the ground the day seemed to be enjoyed by most, although the scores were a little higher than planned.

We had intended to have a BBQ afterwards but the conditions, although much brighter, were not suitable to try and light a match. In fact the BBQ drum had about 6 inches of water inside so it was more like a waster based fondue.  Around 25 riders and observers stayed behind for the presentation and Norma Moore presented the awards and a slice of a beautifully baked chocolate cake for all to enjoy.

Once again the trial was a great tribute to our much missed Rasher, I’m sure he was having a good laugh at our expense getting wet, muddy and chasing toilets around the field. Our thanks go to all the observers, our new trials secretary Val Luck and our very generous land owner Mr Pilcher and his Family.

EKTC Dave Moore results 10.08.14

Man of Kent Trial – Sunday 20th July 2014

The start list has now been confirmed for this weekends trial please see attached.

For those wishing to enter on the day it will be great to see you, if you could please bring along your licences and correct fee to help speed things along it would be greatly appreciated.

We will be also looking for Observers, any volunteers would be welcomed.

Venue address is – Crabtree Farm, Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 3NR…Start time 10.30am

Man of Kent 2014 – start list


Quaiffe Team Trial Report

Team Trial “Quaiffe Cup”

We fielded 2 teams, The Tenterden Tigers were made up from Joe Millen, Connor and Jack Beck and the 2nd team The Tenterden Todgers were Kev and Emma Morphett with Dave Luck.

This really is a great piece of land with around half of them in rocky streams. This year the sections were a little easier than last year, despite all the rain the previous week, but were still a good test for all abilities. We rode around together for the first lap and it was clear that the sections were going to get harder the second lap.

For Jack this was his first time riding this venue and this event. Over the past year he really has made huge leaps forward and was able to ride all sections well despite only riding for around 18 months.  Despite some mistakes we all seemed to ride well for the first lap, soon after the sections did start to get much slipperier but this didn’t seem to faze Kev who has ridden really well all year and again at this trial. There was one impossible section on the second lap, section 14, we all dismounted and then proceeded to watch rider after rider get stuck in the muddy ditch. All the tigers attempted the section but all got beat. Kev then stuck the Gasser into 4 gear turned the bike straight, bounced the throttle off the stop and launched the bike over the ditch half way up the bank the other side, gripped and rode through the end cards for a clean.  Not blowing smoke up his trousers but it was the ride of the day on a section which I didn’t even attempt.

Our scores on the second lap were too high to be contenders, tiredness and a hangover (Emma) all took over and we faded fast.

After watching our young Tigers it’s clear we have great potential in the club for the future with continued practice and commitment.