Rasher Moore EKTC Trial – Pilchers 9/8/20 Results & pics

A huge thank you to the Pilcher family for the use of their excellent land once again and how lovely to see so many of the family participating.

A great well laid out trial today courtesy of  Clerk of the Course Mike Hollyer and Dave Luck ably assisted my Pete S, Mike Nutbrown and Dunc, all well run under the ACU and Government Covid guidelines. Over 30 Tenterden and East Kent riders enjoyed the sunshine over 4 routes in and out of the gullies, across the tricky cambers, with a decent ride around  and across the land that possibly has never been drier. Some of the familiar sections were interspersed with some tricky new variations where marks were possible to lose easily, but a clean was more than achievable. Thankyou also to Mike for acting as secretary and to all those who helped tidy up after the event. We hope to have another Tenterden event in September- details to follow.

White Route (results were available at the end of the trial) -B Smith & R Nutbrown tied 15ml, M Nutbrown 25ml, K Francis 59 ml

Blue Route – J Allen 12ml, O Wilson 17ml, D Luck 32ml, P Hurry 48ml, M Wildman 57ml, A Saxton 53ml

Red Route – A King 10ml, N Hales 17ml, C Woods 53ml, T Nutbrown 67ml

Not all results were returned

A few images 


Final Instruction for this Sundays Trial in Woodchurch

Please see attached final instructions for this Sundays Trial at Maywood Farm, Redbrook Street, Woodchurch. For anyone that rode in our first Covid compliant trial in June the format will be the same, for those that didn’t please read the attached and get familiarised with the new format. 

Please note that unless you have already entered no entries on the day will be permitted. 

Thanks and see you Sunday 

Maywood Farm Final Instructions


Trial announcement – Rasher Moore East Kent Combine Trial – 9th of August – Pre-entry only – Entries now open. Maximum 30 riders – restricted to Tenterden and East Kent Trials Club Members Only

After the success of the clubs ‘Return to Trials Trial’ last weekend, the club is aiming to run our next event the Rasher Moore EKTC Combine Trial on Sunday the 9th of August at 1030am. 

This event will be restricted to members of the Tenterden & District MCC and the other East Kent Combine Trials clubs and held at Maywood Farm, Redbrook Street, Woodchurch. This trial will be run as per the ACU restart of motorsport guidance and in line with Covid 19 advice issued by the UK Government with the aim of safely and responsibly continuing the restart of participation in trials in our area.

The guidelines/restrictions mean that this trial is restricted to a maximum number of 30 pre-registered and pre- paid riders who are members of East Kent Trials Combine Clubs, full details below. Entry is on a first come, first serve basis with completed entry and payment, priority will be given if necessary to Tenterden members.

The trial will be open to adult and youth classes.

The entry is restricted to East Kent Trials Combine riders resident within 40 miles of the club HQ. This will be indicated from the address given on the ACU Licence/Registration system. (Please note:  The East Kent Trials Combine Clubs EKTC, in 2020 are Tenterden, Ashford, Folkestone, Sittingbourne & Barham).

Only one rider is permitted to attend in a vehicle unless accompanied by another rider from the same household. Social distancing to be exercised at ALL times.

No SpectatorsUntil otherwise notified, no spectators should be permitted to an ACU permitted Trials event.  

Entries to be received by the 2nd of August via completion of the entry form below, this must be photographed,  or scanned and sent to the secretary,  the rider entry will be confirmed by return,  pre-payment must then be made via BACS/Paypal (details sent on confirmation of entry) to allow your riding number to be issued. Closing date 2nd of August – Absolutely no entries on the day, anybody arriving on the day will be refused entry to the venue.

Entry Fees: £15 adult pre-entry only. Youth £10 pre-entry only.

Signing On : Riders will enter via the entry form electronically via email or photo and receive their riding number after confirmation of payment of the entry fee.. Riders are to pre-prepare a card/number plate with their number to be shown on the front of their bike. This card is to be held up to the Secretary who in a vehicle will tick off against the rider check-list to confirm attendance. No one day licences to be issued. ACU Licence/Registration system will be active before events as normal. 

Signage: Signage will be in place to emphasise the need for social distancing at all times. Road signage will be minimal as it is recommended to discourage onlookers/spectator attendance.

Parking : Vehicles must be parked with a minimum 3m width space left vacant at each side. ie. three metres apart from any other vehicle. Riders will be reminded / advised of social distance requirement when entering the venue and at socially distanced signing on/check in. Please have your riding number visible in your vehicle as you arrive at the venue. Please arrive in plenty of time as the gate will be closed prior to the start to discourage spectators etc. 

Start instructions : tbc

Observation : Will be via self observation/group of 3 observing with riders keeping their own/or another riders score on their own card they have brought with them or on their phones. Group Observing: Groups of riders can travel the Course – respecting social distance at all times and especially when parking machines and walking sections. One person can be designated the task of the other riders score and recording it on his own paper or phone. Only this person is to use that equipment. Scores on completion of the trial will be told or text to the secretary to collate ‘results’ – details will be available at the start/finish area. When that rider attempts the section, others observe and verbally indicate the score he must record. It is likely at most times there will be a consensus from riders in the group as to other scores. If group observing is used, no observing group must enter the section until any previous group has departed. 

Inspecting section – Only three riders allowed in section at any time to inspect it. If possible, a one way route will be established to walk the section but always social distancing to be strictly adhered to by riders passing other riders in section. On arrival at a section all riders must observe social distancing and MUST not park or queue within two metres of another rider. If riders/group arrive before the previous group has left – that group must remain seated on machines a safe distance away and only proceed when the group in front has all left. 

Each section will have an Expert , Intermediate , Novice, Yellow  route . All sections will be straight forward with natural gullies, tree roots and banks. All riders should only attempt to ride well within their own capabilities.

First aid kit and PPE set will be located at every section/start.


Number of Officials. As per ACU, the number of Officials will be kept to a minimum. Until notified otherwise, Officials will be restricted to: Clerk of the Course (also acts as Starter), Secretary – instructions / advice at start. Starter – only needed for first lap. Club officials depending on venue.

If you have symptoms of COVID 19, or have been in contact with anybody who has in the last 14 days, please do not enter or attend this event.

Clerk of the Course will strictly impose these requirements. Non compliance will result in being asked to leave the event.

Should the Government or the ACU governing body advice change then the event will obviously be reviewed, with updates provided here and in the final instructions.

Secretary details are below for photo or scanned copy of the completed entry forms to be sent to, on acknowledgement of receipt of the entry form payment details to pay the entry fee will be given and a rider number issued subsequently.

Reminder this will be pre-entry only, with entries closing on the 2nd of August. Strictly no late entries or entries on the day will be accepted. A reminder of the guidelines will be updated to every rider prior to the event.

Clerk of the course – Mike Hollyer

Secretary – Mike Nutbrown  Email – Michael.nutbrown@balfourbeatty.com and phone 07802 311080

Permit no. ACU 59268

Entry form here 0401_001

‘Return to Trials Trial’ Rakins – 5th July – ‘Results’ & pics

An excellent trial today, well done to Clerk of the Course Dave, ably assisted by Keith, Kev and Mike, for setting out 10 excellent and varied sections that allowed everyone to have a great day and return to trials action safely. All a little different, but made easy with everybody following the guidelines which was great to see. It was very good to see so many out getting back into action, including a few who have been away from the sport for several years  who today made a welcome comeback – well done all. A few pictures below of some of the Tenterden riders.

‘Results’ as we said are more for info than actual awards, some riders just rode without scoring and enjoyed the day.


B Smith 32, R Nutbrown, 35 M Smith 36, M Nutbrown 50, K Francis 71, (A Brush)


M Mealham 28, J Allen 29, O Wilson 30, M Taylor 45, A King 55, A Saxton 58,  M Wildman 60, J Taylor 65, (M Hollyer )


M Baldock 1, J Beck 8, D Moore 10, N Sinden 10, B Wilkinson 11, P Hurry 15, T Piles 25, J Lloyd 30, D Griffiths 37, T Lloyd 47, R Beck 59, (M Neale, K Collins, D Garner)

News to follow shortly with regards to the club running a similar restricted entry trial on Sunday the 9th of August.

Well done Team Tenterden on a great trial.

Trial Announcement – ‘Return to trials trial’ 5th July – EKTC Members only – Hawkhurst- Pre-entry only, closing 30/6 – Only a few spaces left. (nb -Full updated starting instructions will be posted here by the 2nd of July)

The club is aiming to run a trial on Sunday the 5th of July at 1030am that is restricted to members of the Tenterden & District MCC and the other East Kent Combine Trials clubs at Rakins Wood, Gills Green, Hawkhurst. This trial will replace the original Man of Kent Open Centre Trial scheduled for this date. This trial will be run as per the ACU restart of motorsport guidance and in line with Covid 19 advice issued by the UK Government with the aim of safely and responsibly restarting participation in trials in our area.

The guidelines/restrictions mean that this trial is restricted to a maximum number of 40 pre-registered and pre- paid riders who are members of East Kent Trials Combine Clubs, full details below. Entry is on a first come, first serve basis with completed entry and payment, priority will be given if necessary to Tenterden members.

The trial will be open to adult classes only (Government restriction stipulates 16 years of age and above). 

The entry is restricted to East Kent Trials Combine riders resident within 40 miles of the club HQ. This will be indicated from the address given on the ACU Licence/Registration system. (Please note:  The East Kent Trials Combine Clubs EKTC, in 2020 are Tenterden, Ashford, Folkestone, Sittingbourne & Barham).

Only one rider is permitted to attend in a vehicle unless accompanied by another adult rider from the same household. Social distancing to be exercised at ALL times.

No SpectatorsUntil otherwise notified, no spectators should be permitted to an ACU permitted Trials event.  Entry to the venue to be restricted to a competitor and his vehicle.

Entries to be received by the 30th of June via completion of the entry form below, this must be photographed,  or scanned and sent to the secretary,  the rider entry will be confirmed by return,  pre-payment must then be made via BACS/Paypal (details sent on confirmation of entry) to allow your riding number to be issued. Closing date 30th June – Absolutely no entries on the day, anybody arriving on the day will be refused entry to the venue.

Entry Fees: £15 pre-entry only.

Signing On : Riders will enter via the entry form electronically via email or photo and receive their riding number on payment of the entry fee no later than the Friday prior to the event. Riders are to pre-prepare a card/number plate with their number to be shown on the front of their bike. This card is to be held up to the Secretary who in a vehicle/behind screen will tick off against the rider check-list to confirm attendance. No one day licences to be issued. ACU Licence/Registration system will be active before events as normal. 

Signage: Signage will be in place to emphasise the need for social distancing at all times. Road signage will be minimal as it is recommended to discourage onlookers/spectator attendance.

Parking : Vehicles must be parked with a minimum 3m width space left vacant at each side. ie. three metres apart from any other vehicle. Riders will be reminded / advised of social distance requirement when entering the venue and at socially distanced signing on/check in. Please have your riding number visible in your vehicle as you arrive at the venue. Please arrive in plenty of time as the gate will be closed prior to the start to discourage spectators etc. 

Start instructions : tbc

Observation : Will be via self observation/group of 3 observing with riders keeping their own/or another riders score on their own card they have brought with them or on their phones. Group Observing: Groups of riders can travel the Course – respecting social distance at all times and especially when parking machines and walking sections. This will be in a maximum of 3 in a group. The club defines the method by which their riders can observe the others in group as one: One person can be designated the task of the other riders score and recording it on his own paper or phone. Only this person is to use that equipment. Scores on completion of the trial will be told or text to the secretary to collate ‘results’ – details will be available at the start/finish area. When that rider attempts the section, others observe and verbally indicate the score he must record. It is likely at most times there will be a consensus from riders in the group as to other scores. If group observing is used, no observing group must enter the section until any previous group has departed. 

Inspecting section – Only three riders allowed in section at any time to inspect it. If possible, a one way route will be established to walk the section but always social distancing to be strictly adhered to by riders passing other riders in section. 

Parking at sections – On arrival at a section all riders must observe social distancing and MUST not park or queue within two metres of another rider. 

Each section will have an Expert (A), Intermediate (B), Novice (C). All sections will be straight forward with natural gullies, tree roots and banks. All riders should only attempt to ride well within their own capabilities.

Visit & Attempt at Sections Walking sections: No more than 3 riders walking/examining a section at any time. No rider to enter a section until they assess the above number will not be contravened. Riders on foot are encouraged not to linger in a section and in all cases MUST only pass a rider if social distancing can be observed. 

Good practice: Riders could examine hazards on way up/through a section but return via a separate route if possible ie. “One Way ” walking system. 

Only small groups of riders – maximum of 3 – to arrive at a particular section at once. Groups MUST travel to the sections and attempt them in order, with a one way system in place. If riders/group arrive before the previous group has left – that group must remain seated on machines a safe distance away and only proceed when the group in front has all left. 

First aid kit and PPE set will be located at every section/start.


Number of Officials. As per ACU, the number of Officials will be kept to a minimum. Until notified otherwise, Officials will be restricted to: Clerk of the Course (also acts as Starter), Secretary – instructions / advice at start. Starter – only needed for first lap. One or two travelling marshals depending on venue.

If you have symptoms of COVID 19, or have been in contact with anybody who has in the last 14 days, please do not enter or attend this event.

Clerk of the Course will strictly impose these requirements. Non compliance will result in being asked to leave the event.

Should the Government or the ACU governing body advice change then the event will obviously be reviewed, with updates provided here and in the final instructions.

Secretary details are below for photo or scanned copy of the completed entry forms to be sent to, on acknowledgement of receipt of the entry form payment details to pay the entry fee will be given and a rider number issued subsequently.

Reminder this will be pre-entry only, with entries closing on the 30th of June. Strictly no late entries or entries on the day will be accepted. A reminder of the guidelines will be updated to every rider prior to the event.

With everybody’s full co-operation and compliance, we look forward to kick starting trials again safely in East Kent on Sunday the 5th of July. Please note if this trial is a success and land, permit, safety and regulations allowing, we aim to also run our East Kent Combine Rasher Moore trial on Sunday August the 9th, with a decision made post this event. Hope to see many of you on the 5th.

Clerk of the course – Dave Luck

Secretary – Keith Francis 

Permit no. ACU 59180

Rakins 05.07.20 Covid Entry Form

Last updated 24/6/20


We have just heard the news that Tom Arter from the Barham club has sadly passed away recently following a long battle with illness. Our sincere condolences to the family.
There is a family only service on 1st July due to the Covid restrictions otherwise Im sure we would all like to pay our respects to Tom for the generosity and support to motorcycle sport over the decades and we will miss him dearly. RIP Tom

Official Trial Announcement – 5th July 2020 – Tenterden & District Motorcycle Club Trial – *East Kent Combine Trials Club Members Only* Hawkhurst – Pre-entry only – restricted to 40 entries

The club is aiming to run a trial on Sunday the 5th of July at 1030am that is restricted to members of the Tenterden & District MCC and the other East Kent Combine Trials clubs at Rakins Wood, Gills Green, Hawkhurst. This trial will replace the original Man of Kent Open Centre Trial scheduled for this date. This trial will be run as per the ACU restart of motorsport guidance and in line with Covid 19 advice issued by the UK Government with the aim of safely and responsibly restarting participation in trials in our area.

The guidelines/restrictions mean that this trial is restricted to a maximum number of 40 pre-registered and pre- paid riders who are members of East Kent Trials Combine Clubs, full details below. Entry is on a first come, first serve basis with completed entry and payment, priority will be given if necessary to Tenterden members.

The trial will be open to adult classes only (Government restriction stipulates 16 years of age and above). 

The entry is restricted to East Kent Trials Combine riders resident within 40 miles of the club HQ. This will be indicated from the address given on the ACU Licence/Registration system. (Please note:  The East Kent Trials Combine Clubs EKTC, in 2020 are Tenterden, Ashford, Folkestone, Sittingbourne & Barham).

Only one rider is permitted to attend in a vehicle unless accompanied by another adult rider from the same household. Social distancing to be exercised at ALL times.

No SpectatorsUntil otherwise notified, no spectators should be permitted to an ACU permitted Trials event.  Entry to the venue to be restricted to a competitor and his vehicle.

Entries to be received by the 30th of June via completion of the entry form below, this must be photographed,  or scanned and sent to the secretary,  the rider entry will be confirmed by return,  pre-payment must then be made via BACS/Paypal (details sent on confirmation of entry) to allow your riding number to be issued. Closing date 30th June – Absolutely no entries on the day, anybody arrving on the day will be refused entry to the venue.

Entry Fees: £15 pre-entry only.

Signing On : Riders will enter via the entry form electronically via email or photo and receive their riding number on payment of the entry fee no later than the Friday prior to the event. Riders are to pre-prepare a card/number plate with their number to be shown on the front of their bike. This card is to be held up to the Secretary who in a vehicle/behind screen will tick off against the rider check-list to confirm attendance. No one day licences to be issued. ACU Licence/Registration system will be active before events as normal. 

Signage: Signage will be in place to emphasise the need for social distancing at all times. Road signage will be minimal as it is recommended to discourage onlookers/spectator attendance.

Parking : Vehicles must be parked with a minimum of one vehicle width space left vacant at each side. ie. two metres apart from any other vehicle. Riders will be reminded / advised of social distance requirement when entering the venue and at socially distanced signing on/check in. Please have your riding number visible in your vehicle as you arrive at the venue. Please arrive in plenty of time as the gate will be closed prior to the start to discourage spectators etc. 

Observation : Will be via self observation/group of 3 observing with riders keeping their own/or another riders score on card/phone. Group Observing: Groups of riders can travel the Course – respecting social distance at all times and especially when parking machines and walking sections. This will be in a maximum of 3 in a group. The club must define a method by which their riders can observe the others in group For example: One person can be designated the task of the other riders score and recording it on his pad, phone or tablet etc. Only this person is to use that equipment. Scores on completion of the trial will be told or text to the secretary to collate ‘results’ – details will be available at the start/finish area. When that rider attempts the section, others observe and verbally indicate the score he must record. It is likely at most times there will be a consensus from riders in the group as to other scores. If group observing is used, no observing group must enter the section until any previous group has departed. 

Inspecting section – Only three riders allowed in section at any time to inspect it. If possible, a one way route will be established to walk the section but always social distancing to be strictly adhered to by riders passing other riders in section. 

Parking at sections – On arrival at a section all riders must observe social distancing and MUST not park or queue within two metres of another rider. 

Visit & Attempt at Sections Walking sections: No more than 3 riders walking/examining a section at any time. No rider to enter a section until they assess the above number will not be contravened. Riders on foot are encouraged not to linger in a section and in all cases MUST only pass a rider if social distancing can be observed. 

Good practice: Riders could examine hazards on way up/through a section but return via a separate route if possible ie. “One Way ” walking system. 

Only small groups of riders – maximum of 3 – to arrive at a particular section at once. Groups MUST travel to the sections and attempt them in order, with a one way system in place. If riders/group arrive before the previous group has left – that group must remain seated on machines a safe distance away and only proceed when the group in front has all left. 


Number of Officials. As per ACU, the number of Officials will be kept to a minimum. Until notified otherwise, Officials will be restricted to: Clerk of the Course (also acts as Starter), Secretary – instructions / advice at start. Starter – only needed for first lap. One or two travelling marshals depending on venue.

Should the Government or the ACU governing body advice change then the event will obviously be reviewed, with updates provided here and in the final instructions.

Secretary details are below for photo or scanned copy of the completed entry forms to be sent to, on acknowledgement of receipt of the entry form payment details to pay the entry fee will be given and a rider number issued subsequently.

Reminder this will be pre-entry only, with entries closing on the 30th of June. Strictly no late entries or entries on the day will be accepted. A reminder of the guidelines will be updated to every rider prior to the event.

With everybody’s full co-operation and compliance, we look forward to kick starting trials again safely in East Kent on Sunday the 5th of July. Please note if this trial is a success and land, permit, safety and regulations allowing, we aim to also run our East Kent Combine Rasher Moore trial on Sunday August the 9th, with a decision made post this event. Hope to see many of you on the 5th.

Clerk of the course – Dave Luck

Secretary – Keith Francis

Permit no. ACU 59180

Rakins 05.07.20 Covid Entry Form

Last updated 23/6/20

The Wheels are starting to turn….. ACU Statement

Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 8:33pm

The Wheels are Starting to Turn………….
Following a Video Conference of the ACU Ltd Board of Directors, the long-awaited return to two-wheel activity was discussed in detail based on the latest advice/guidance sent out by the UK Government on 25th May.  In case you haven’t seen the latest guidance the link to the document is given below:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-phased-return-of-sport-and-recreation/elite-sport-return-to-training-guidance-stage-two
TrainingOn the basis of this document, training will be allowed to take place for participants aged 16 and above.  It goes without saying that in all circumstances, social distancing measures must be respected.  A risk assessment has been produced by ACU Head Office which will be distributed to all ACU Coaches and the guidance given within that document must be strictly adhered to.   The Training Secretary (Debbie Walmsley) is now available to issue permits for the return of training activity.  Training activity is restricted to 16 years and above in accordance with the latest UK Government guidance and until otherwise notified, the ratio of training is restricted to one Coach to a maximum of three riders, ie. a small cluster.  Details will be issued by ACU Head Office, when it is considered suitable for these numbers to be increased. When applying for a training permit, the attached risk assessment must be completed and returned or amended / added to deleted to suit individual needs. What is important is that a Risk Assessment must be supplied which outlines the Control Measures put in place to ensure the safe running of a training session before a Permit is issued. Permit applications can be accepted with immediate effect for Training activity to commence from 1st June.
Practice Permits.  With effect 1st June, permit applications may be sent to the relevant Discipline Secretary to apply for a Practice Permit for practice events to commence from 8th June.  It is stressed that this is not for competition but for practice only and participants aged 16 and above.  A General Principles document and Risk Assessments pertaining to each discipline will be issued shortly which again will outline the control measures that must be put in place. Organisers may use this Risk Assessment or provide their own document, but in all circumstances a Risk Assessment must accompany a permit application to demonstrate that Control Measures put in place are suitable and sufficient and considered to be as low as is reasonably practicable to reduce the risk of infection and to maintain Social Distancing measures.  
Competition Permits.  For the next three months (commencing 1st June), all Permits (Training/Practice and Competition) will be issued by ACU Head Office.  This is to ensure that a Risk Assessment accompanies a Permit Application, either the Risk Assessment produced by ACU Head Office that has been completed and returned or a risk assessment drafted by the Organiser taking into consideration the control measures to be put in place to mitigate the risk of infection and to consider Social Distancing measures.  For clarity, competition permits will be issued for events commencing on / or after 4th July.  The cost of a Permit to be issued by ACU Head Office for the next three months (Covid19 Permit) will be £25.00 for each permit and for clarification these are the Permits that would have been issued in normal circumstances by the Centre.  As well as the Risk Assessment, normal protocols regarding a Permit Application applies and entry to the activity is made online such as the ACU online system.  A £3.00 surcharge per rider will be added if we have to cancel the permit following a change in Government advice.
Sidecars. Obviously, each of our sports have provision for Sidecar activity.   Please be assured that the Directors are discussing the issue of Sidecar competition.  Social distancing has to be considered in line with existing UK Government advice/guidance which in its current form has an effect on Sidecars.  At this moment in time, no ACU competitive events in any discipline will commence before 4th July, so we have some time to consider Sidecar activity further in line with the UK Government protocol on Social Distancing.  This issue is being discussed quite comprehensively and once a decision is made, this will be disseminated as quickly as possible.
Youth Practice. As per the latest UK Government guidance, we cannot start youth practice for the time-being.  This is being constantly reviewed and further updates will follow once more clarity has been given on this matter.The Board of Directors thank all Organisers / members for their continued support and on behalf of the Board, Chairman Roy Humphrey commented “The Directors are well aware of the eagerness of many who wish to get going and get started back in their sport as soon as possible.  Apart from the love of the sport and motorcycles, this will give everyone a lift and help our mental wellbeing. We, as the Governing Body have a responsibility to ensure our Sport, our Clubs and Members adhere to current UK Government policy with regard to Covid-19 and as such we must all do what we can to minimize the risk of infection by maintaining our social distance.  The last thing we or anyone needs is a second peak now that restrictions are slowly beginning to ease’.
Summary of dates:
Activity         Permit Application Date            Event Date
Coaching/Training                 27th May 2020                          1st June 2020
Practice Events                     1st June 2020                            8th June
2020Competition Events               15th June 2020                          4th July 2020




What can we say against Brian Hodges ”Tich” to his friends. Generous, industrious, always willing to help others at his own expense, husband, father and grandfather, but most of all a trials enthusiast. A lifelong motorcycle devotee, he had a reputation as a good mechanic and he helped the local lads repair their bikes, including me.

Then call up to the Army for two years. Here he honed his skills in “taking the mick” out of the Corporals and Sergeants. One year was spent in Aden, which is a very hot country and I remember going into the Bull at Brenchley one Christmas and seeing a tiny dark skinned Indian like man crouched over the fire. It was Tich! Back home he soon put all his weight back on.

By then his younger brother Robin “Minnow”had started riding Trials and we went off to Trials in the winter and Grasstrack in summer.

One ambitious trip was in 1962 to the Intercentre Grasstrack Championships on his old, ridged, Triumph tiger 100 outfit with Robin in the chair and me pillion. The destination was from Brenchley to Pershore in Gloucestershire, about 140miles.

We set out at 7am, got there at 1pm and back at midnight frozen to the marrow and very saddle sore! Only one breakdown to adjust a slipping clutch.

Then married life took over for many years.

Late seventies, when Robin started riding again, Brian and I joined the Owls and got involved with organizing events etc.

In the eighties Brian got the video bug. Instead of just walking round, following his brother, Brian started filming the Trials riders. The early ones were not as good as he only got the riders feet!

They quickly improved and video nights at the clubhouse were very popular. This soon expanded to a regular Tuesday night showing in each of our houses with drinks and snacks provided.

Tich, Robin and I had a pencherant of giving the hundreds of riders nicknames. They only had to vaguely resemble someone well known to be lumbered with names like Gene Hickman, Captain Mannering, Kojak, and Max Wall etc. etc.

Brian also had a habit of calling out “Well done” to a rider just before they fell off in the mud!

Another ruse we had concerned cousin Wally Hodges. He was living in a cottage by the old Seven Mile lane near the church. When we drove slowly past early on Sunday morning we would all lean out of the window and shout out as loudly as possible WALLY! Always wonder if he knew who it was!!

Brian also hated bureaucracy of any kind, but came up against it many times in his career as a plumber.

One funny story is the time he and peter were called out to a public building in the middle of winter to repair the water system. This called for a key to unlock the door to the roof. They were told the woman dealing with job applications had the key, so Brian approached her in his working clothes and she says “yes what sort of job would you like my man?” Instantly he replied “Yours will do very nicely and you can go up on the roof and fix the plumbing”

We had many a good long weekend away following the South East Team in the national Team Trials competition. This took us from Cornwall to Northumberland, Hampshire to Lancashire, Devon to Yorkshire and East Sussex to Mid Wales.

I always did the hotel/ doss house bookings and made certain if we shared a room we had separate beds, just to put Bobs mind at rest.

Brilliant events, sadly gone now.

The list of happy times is a long one and Brian would always say “we had the best years ever” and I know he was right

Goodbye old Mate

Tony Rout


Brian was often at Tenterden centre events beavering away with his video camera, whilst giving a running commentary to those within earshot.

He will be missed by us all. Another character gone and fondly remembered.