DUNLOP TRIAL – 27th January

This years Dunlop trial is going ahead as planned at the Gliding club location Nr Challock, Ashford TN25 4DR on Sunday 27th January. 

This is a SE Championship round for all classes so will have 4 routes available from Elite Expert to Novice, unfortunately there will not be a “sportsman” yellow flagged route.

This is one of the premier events of the year and follows on straight after the Sidcup sixty this weekend, of which the official entry is now closed, and the Walker Memorial trial in Early February. All 3 rounds qualify for the SE championship. 

Start time will be 10am, if you decide to enter bring along a completed entry form and the correct monies if possible. 

Sittingbourne EKTC TRIAL 09.12.18

This weekend the Sittingbourne Club will be running the next round of the EKTC at Norwood Manor Farm, Wormshill, ME9 0TN.  There will be a route for everyone including a yellow route. The trial is also open to all youth riders and they are encouraged to come along.

This trial is not advertised in the latest magazine but does appear in the diary dates section in the middle section.

Club membership 2019

Pleasde find attached the membership form for next year. Once completed please send back to me and I can then issue you with the code number to allow you to renew your licences on line.

For any new members that have not held an ACU licence previously please also complete and send to me the ACU licence application form with the appropriate fee and photo.

Thank you

TDMC Membership form 2019



Maureen Buttle – retirement

Just a quick note to say that Maureen has decided that her time as the EKTC secretary and Treasurer has now come to an end.

She will finish the year off and then hand over to the next volunteer. The post is yet unfilled so if anyone would like to donate a few hours a year to help out then please make myself or your club secretary aware so we can propose you.

Maureen has held this post for 34 years so deserves a well earned rest. On behalf of everyone in the EKTC we would like to thank her for being a strong supporter of our group and for the time she has spent keeping us all glued together.

Murray Brush Memorial trial – September 30th 2018

Cover sheet and Regs now ready

Cover sheet – Murray Brush 30.09.18

Our next events are only just over 2 weeks away so would like as many riders as possible to come along and support the event on this great piece of land.

On Saturday 29th Sept we will run the next round of the Tenterden / Barham youth series and this is open to any young riders who consider themselves as a beginner or Novice abaility. We would love to see as many faces as possible.

On Sunday 30th Sept we will host the “Murray Brush” memorial trial which will have 4 routes including an Expert and a beginner route, the trial is open to all members of the ACU adult and youth riders. Pre entries would be great and all the details can be found in this months SM. Failing that we will take entries on the day so please bring along a completed form and the correct money to say time for the secretary.